• Member Since 16th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 37 minutes ago

Dusk Melody

I wish I was enough. But I'm not and never will be.


This story is a sequel to Nightmare Night

Beneath the Badlands in the southern reaches of Equestria, Umberfoal is sheltered from the world above, but plagued by threats from deeper in the darkness.

Sparkler, Stonecutter, Cloudy Skies and Blackbeak have been invited to the first Festival of Lights in a thousand years, but instead they find themselves delving into the deepest lakes and the darkest caves to face those dangers.

Will they be able to help the ponies of Umberfoal hold their ancient and magical ritual?

~ ~ ~

The fifth in the Tails of Equestria Series.

The Problem With Pets
2 + 2 x BDSM (Love/4) = Fun
The Curse of the Statuettes
Nightmare Night
The Festival of Lights

Thanks as always go to Zervon Tora for his ceaseless help with writing and editing.

Based on the Tails of Equestria RPG books, any reference to them is used with permission.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Wildfire 4: The Heart of the Flame

The changeling invasion affected many lives in Canterlot.

The brutality of the assault killed many. The lucky ones died quickly. The unlucky ones died in the most gruesome of ways imaginable as incubators for the hatchlings.

This is a story of one of the defenders and how it directly affected her life. Drafted into service and teamed up with a cold-hearted killer, surrounded by killer changelings, FC 359 came to know death.

Even the living will carry the scars of war.

Thanks to Zervon Tora for his help with the story ideas and the editing.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to 2 + 2 x BDSM (Love/4) = Fun

All across Equestria, ponies are turning into statuettes. Nopony knows why, nopony knows how or when. To make matters worse, Princess Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Element Bearers are missing in the Badlands!

Before she vanished, Princess Twilight sent Spike to get help. Now, it's up to Sparkler, Stonecutter and Cloudburst to brave the Badlands and save the day.

~ ~ ~

The third in the Tails of Equestria Series.

The Problem With Pets
2 + 2 x BDSM (Love/4) = Fun
The Curse of the Statuettes
Nightmare Night
The Festival of Lights

Thanks as always to Zervon Tora, Barley Citrus and Tethered-Angel for their pre-reading and editing skills.

Based on the Tails of Equestria RPG books, any reference to them is used with permission.

Chapters (9)

When the Cutie Map sends the mane six away on a dangerous mission to the Badlands, they enlist the help of three students from the School of Friendship to watch their pets.

Sparkler, a Canterlot unicorn at heart new to Ponyville, isn't too thrilled to look after a bunch of smelly animals, but it might be worth it if it means spending time with her classmate and secret crush, Stonecutter.

If only that annoying pegasus, Cloudburst, didn't have to tag along.

~ ~ ~

The first in the Tails of Equestria Series

The Problem With Pets
2 + 2 x BDSM (Love/4) = Fun
The Curse of the Statuettes
Nightmare Night
The Festival of Lights

Sex tag is included for some innuendo, talk about sex, and talk about D/S relationships.

Featured top of the Popular Stories list three hours after publication! Thank you to you all!

A very big thank you to Tethered-Angel for your help mate!

Based on the Tails of Equestria RPG books, any reference to them is used with permission.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to The Dawn of Dusk

Dusk, Wildfire, Brightstar, Darkstar and Cyclone wake up in Las Pegasus. They're stranded, a thousand miles from home, with no money nor tickets to their name. With nopony to help them, and too much pride to find a different option, they have to find jobs.

After enduring days of labour, they get the needed money to buy the tickets for the train ride home. Only to find out that one of them had set them up.

~ ~ ~

A very big thank you to Zervon Tora & Nira Lightshine for pre-reading, editing and the description. Thank you!

Chapters (1)

It's Silverbolt's birthday. Dusk's father, Moonshine, went to the cemetery in Canterlot's Residential District to honour her memory.

What he found instead was a lone drunken pony enjoying a party for one. One pony who desperately needed his father's help. Now, confronted with his son's addiction, Moonshine has to figure out how to approach the situation.

As a loving and caring father? Or as a former guard? Or could there be a middle ground of the two?

~ ~ ~

The sequel can be found here; Conversations in the Coffee Shop

A very big thank you to Zervon Tora & Nira Lightshine for pre-reading, editing and the description. Thank you!

Chapters (1)

Life is where love happens and not always where or when you're looking.

Octavia Melody was preparing for the night of her life, preparing to perform at the first Grand Galloping Gala since Princess Luna's return from the moon, but it wasn't to be.

Luna, feeling unworthy to be in the presence of those that saved her, was hiding from her own night, but she would be found. Can two alone, yet surrounded by others, find a life to share?


Featured in the Popular Stories list 15/11/17!

The sequel can be found here, Light Shines in the Night and here; The Dawn of Dusk

Lightshine and Nightflyer belong to Nira Lightshine and Nightflyer, respectively. A very big thank you to my fans for letting me use their OC's in my story.

Thank you too to my co-author Zervon Tora and Nira Lightshine for editing and pre-reading!

Chapters (1)

The time is a thousand years ago. A time before Canterlot, before Ponyville. After the last threat to Equestria was resolved ponies fell into a routine of peace. Princess Luna's role in ruling Equestria diminished over time as her sister took on more and more responsibility.

Falling into despair over the lack of attention rendered to her by her little ponies, Luna was ready to throw in the towel. Then she had a chance encounter with a pegasus mare and earth pony couple which renewed her desire to live for Equestria. Only to have her sister throw up a road block.

Can Luna hold onto the dream or will it be crushed like so much of her past?


Featured top of the Popular Stories column 14/11/17!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Encounter at North Park

While enjoying a relaxing morning at his coltfriend and Master's apartment, 'Princess' Dusky gets an unexpected but welcome surprise.

Turns out it's a surprise that Brush Stroke enjoys as well.

A side story in the Wilyverse, this takes place mid way through Chapter 17 of Wildfire 2: Releasing the Flame.

Teen for cross dressing themes, just to be safe.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How Far We Fall

The day after the BDSM party held at Caffeinated's ranch in Manehatten, the royal pegasus Dusk Melody decides to once again visit the barista's coffee shop.

Sadly while there, Vocal Chord has a surprise for the young Prince.

A side story in the Wilyverse, this takes place midway through Chapter 6 of Wildfire 2: Releasing the Flame.

Sequel can be found here, Encounter at North Park

Chapters (1)