OCFics 121 members · 759 stories


This group is for fanfictions featuring OC's!
Fanfics where OC's are friends with a canon character or even one of the Mane 6 get too much hate. But if you're not a butthurt hater, join this group!
And if you enjoy stories with original characters instead of those boring canon characters, you'll get some in your feed. :) Please no hate comments.

• Fanfictions in the right folder
• Be polite on the forums
• No canon ponies only fanfics
• Have fun reading! :)

Comments ( 2 )
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Hello everypony this the Commander here to tell you to check out TSR: Midnight vs Nova. Those of you who have heard of MLP: The Story Retold. come and read the collab me and Wolven5 have been working on.

Congratulations! This group is being featured in New Groups.

In the judgement of the groups that took place today, this group was competing against all other groups on Fimfiction. It managed to beat a vast majority of competitor groups with its freshness, earning it a spot in the Groups of New.

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