• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 17th



Sudden Absence and lack of story updates · 2:50pm March 4th

Real life has got me beyond busy lately. Has for months as I had some major life changes come about, and I have an obligation to finish with another major story that is a pet project of mine. One that has taken a lot of time and effort but also gone through several iterations and even posted here on the site. I've borderline rewritten in 3 times. First time being written by a friend as I lead, second time as a major collab with a split of effort between me and a friend. This latest endeavor

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Here's your watch.

Thank you for the follow! :D

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Mar 11th, 2023

thanks for the watch, and which of my fics do you like so far?

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