• Member Since 11th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Blog Posts

  • 108 weeks
    Updated 2k Goal Reached & Comics/Images!!!

    Well now, it seems the 2,000 upvotes has been reached. As promised you will find Xy comics/images in the links below along with a google document with some fun little RPG shenanigans I did for future characters. Please note these comics/images are NSFW. They will not be shown on this site. Instead you will be taken to deviantart sta.sh. There you will be able to view the comics/images. If you have any questions or concerns, ask.

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    19 comments · 7,492 views
Comments ( 82 )
  • Viewing 78 - 82 of 82

Just cool pics that I thought you might find interesting

Comment posted by MannedGeorge123 deleted July 12th
Comment posted by DeathWolf06 deleted July 12th
  • Viewing 78 - 82 of 82
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