Sorry it's taking me so long... · 2:52pm May 15th, 2014
I have been wanting to write but every time i have a good idea I completely loose the motivation to even write it down.
I was going to insert a humorous gif but the site seems to not be letting me take it from my computer...anyway I hope to get back to writing soon without my weirdness getting in the way. If anyone actually reads this thank you.
Thank you for enjoying my silly story so far, Liafy.
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Thank you for the favorites of one of my stories and I hope you enjoy my other stories as well.
*Materializes out of thin air and lobs cake at wall*
Mua hahaha!
Thank you for the faves om, Crushed:The Beginnings, Child of Two Worlds, Your eductional first time, and Falllout Equestria: A different first encounter.