• Member Since 12th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 18th, 2023




A few hours left :P · 12:54am Jan 30th, 2016

In a few hours will my journey to the US of A begin.
Anyone knows of some good places to visit in Seattle?

Report TBS AlexDK · 547 views · #US of A


D-A-D (Disneyland After Dark.)

Dizzy Mizz Lizzy

Comments ( 257 )
  • Viewing 253 - 257 of 257

Hi there! As you probably noticed, the MC server and TS server died, but some of us are still around in a Discord. PM me if you want an invite!

2083043 Give me all the Donkey Kong:rainbowkiss:

Thanks for the follow,TBS AlexDK!:pinkiehappy:

1881787 I'm all the casual in the world and more :trixieshiftright:

1881770 Ah... Ok....

u b3tter nawt be a filfy casul

  • Viewing 253 - 257 of 257
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