• Member Since 6th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 23rd, 2017


Hello! I'm an aspiring artist and writer from Honduras!

Best horses

1100 miles is too far




I'm Back Again · 10:39pm Sep 8th, 2017

Back after eight months I couldn't give this place up just yet. It's been a wild ride, I'll be honest.

Not even sure if anyone remembers me still.

Oh well, what has happened in this site? Design does seem to look more different than when I left.

Report Luz · 563 views ·

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Not saying the person is dead, just the account. Been meaning to change comments like this.

Alright. Let's see how long it takes you to notice this one. :trollestia:

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Yeah, we got spines, yeah, we got bones

If you want to contact me at all, reach me in my Steam page.

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