• Member Since 8th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen May 21st, 2019



"My very first Blog" About Demon Days... and the Experiment · 10:54am Apr 27th, 2013

Hi Guy's 'n Gals!

At first;
I never thought I, my self, would ever write a Blog...
I mean, dear its stupid, normally I don't have to tell more than one or two people something.
But, it is unbelievable but true, I have to speak in public... or more precisely, I have to make something clear, here @ FimFic.

My Story Demon Days... is actually a experiment, I'm testing a multitude of theories and possibilities, but quite a couple of them are social based ones.

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yup I do ^^

Thanks for the favourite for 'Dying Embers' :twilightsmile: I hope you enjoy it

Thanks for the fave on Long Far Gone, hope your enjoying it. :trollestia:

Thanks for the fave on "Brave Frontier Equestria"!

2050511 no problem ^^

  • Viewing 106 - 110 of 110
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