• Member Since 31st Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen May 24th, 2015


I'm the bucking queen of talons.


I'm not dead you guys. · 6:54am Jan 28th, 2014

That's a weird first blog post, but it basically sums me up. I'm not dead. I've just been busy with school, so there's really only one person to blame.

So how are you guys doing?

Report Brightscales · 607 views ·
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Thank you very much for the Watch. It made a hard day that much brighter, and I'll do my best to keep deserving it.:twilightsmile:

Thank for the follow, dude.

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Thank you for purchasing a copy of Equestrian Earth.
We hope you will enjoy the most realistic virtual reality mmorpg of the century.
Also, we would like some feedback from you about our game. What would you say your favorite mechanics of the game are so far after playing it?

Canterlot Colt Studios

(What the letter really meant: Thank you for a fave on the story! That really means a lot! After you're done reading up to the latest chapter, what would you say your favorite parts of the story were so far?:twilightsmile:)

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