• Member Since 6th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm from Sweden and I read a bit.


A family photo · 12:46am Dec 24th, 2012

Happy Heart's Warming Eve!

Flame and Star are my parents. Wing is my younger brother.

Report Fareseed · 610 views ·

My storys

Comments ( 65 )
  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65

Thanks for favoriting Nightmare Nyx: Protector of Ponies! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you so much for stopping by to read "Pioneer" and adding it to your favorites.

Also, thank you for watching me. I hope I will be able to entertain you in the future.

Thanks for the follow!

Thanks for faving Sunsets Over a Gala. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for faving The Apple Never Falls Far. I'm glad you liked it.

  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65
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X-Pony: Enemy Unknown