• Member Since 6th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 19th, 2013



Why can't I quit? · 9:30pm Jul 1st, 2012

For some of you who may know, I have decided to stop writing. It is something that I may put so much time and effort into a skill that I don't even plan to use. My main decision to stop writing was when I decided I didn't care if I got onto Equestria Daily. The philosophy of it seemed rather arbitrary and that it really is just a way to stroke the ol' ego. It's fun to write, but I feel that too many writers simply want EqD status to feel accomplished, when really you should feel accomplished

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:rainbowderp: Um, what happened to your other stories? Though I might have only read one (with Twilight dying and Spike running away with Apple Bloom), am still confused, as don't think I saw anything about it. And pretty sure you were the one who wrote it.

Hey, awesome guy! Could you help me with a story? I need proof-reading, and you've offered to help me before.
PM me if yes? Thanks!

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