Oga... ooga o · 1:01am May 14th, 2014
Okay, so... school is... out? I can't tell anymore...
Honestly I can't promise new material here. It's mostly going to other stories now. I'll think of something
Something that will BLOW YOUR MIND
Or not
Miscellaneous: Actually going well on writing, just trying to pace ourselves on when we release chapters.
Mobius: Equestrian Adventure: In the process of figuring out how to write the next chapter/event (event being multiple Chapters). Although most energy is focused on Miscellaneous right now.
The Stand: Ponified Version: Well, I finished the book The Stand. Now to finish my story. Which is a little too much right now. I don't know what made me think I could manage so many stories.
Okay, so... school is... out? I can't tell anymore...
Honestly I can't promise new material here. It's mostly going to other stories now. I'll think of something
Something that will BLOW YOUR MIND
Or not
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April fools?
Hey pal, really appreciate the fav.
Looks like you got deleted.
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