• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I'm just a regular person who enjoys writing, and encouraging others to write as well.


A return to sanity · 8:46pm Jul 23rd, 2013

I check my email the other day on a lark, and lo and behold I have messages! Many messages! People want me to come back and help places like /fic/ and do reviews and things. I suppose I should lend a hand, but I won't be able to until at least August.

Thanks for making me feel wanted again. I hope I can help you all.

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Comments ( 9 )
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Comment posted by AppleJewel2 deleted Dec 20th, 2021

2260236 Shock gave me a friggin' heart attack, man.

But then life is full of heart attack-inducing surprises.


Surprisingly, I'm not dead.

Well howdy!

Thanks for the fave!

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