• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 18th, 2021


Super High-school Level Sociologist.


holy shit · 3:42am Oct 28th, 2015

Yesterday I was a witness to a murder at my work. Holy shit

Report Roan · 598 views · #death

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I don't think Regidar is transphobic, having talked to them at some length about a number of topics in the past.

Like, you can follow and unfollow who you want. That's your right and nobody should stop you. I just don't think there's a problem with someone who doesn't mistake a sexual fantasy for a real transgender woman. I also don't think there's a problem with someone who is attracted to real women regardless of their genitals. That's progress, lady, not problematic.

2024107 to my belief futa extends to the fetish and doesn't have anything to do with actual transgendered people
I never refer to trans folk as futa or anything, I'm not stupid
I'm pretty entrenched inside the LGBT community so I'm confused that you'd reach that conclusion
I mean, if you get a bad vibe from me I can't stop that or anything, but I at least can ask that you explain why you feel that way?

I saw a blog where you said futanari or some shit
Honestly I just get a bad vibe from you... ?

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KidnoCaine:When otherkin display themselves as human sized animals, they are discriminating against those of us who believe the inherent size difference between different animalia is inherently valuable
CONDO NOT KILL:I'm Condo the otherkin
Super Highschool Level Pipedream:What if they just haven't figured out their genus yet?
Super Highschool Level Pipedream:I mean, damn, am I a black bear or a grizzly bear?
KidnoCaine:mineralkin differ from furries or scalies by relating not to animalia but rather to the natural elements of the Earth itself.
Super Highschool Level Pipedream:Clydesdale? Shetland?
KidnoCaine:Mineralkin shaming is telling me that I need to subject myself to animal methods of nutrients
Super Highschool Level Pipedream:Igneous? Sedimentary?
KidnoCaine:pomace to be exact
Super Highschool Level Pipedream:Pre-op?
KidnoCaine:yeah, unfortunately. The science is ahead of the funding
Super Highschool Level Pipedream:Damn. My gemstoner boyfriend is lucky they've got the synthetic garnets ready.
Super Highschool Level Pipedream:He's already on spessarite replacement therapy.