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Spanish translation for Pink Eyes · 11:07pm May 26th, 2021

Well i'm not very active on this site lately... or not at all, i guess, but Spaniard Kiwi contacted me saying that there is a spanish translation of Pink Eyes, so if you want to check it, here's the link


have fun!

Report mimezinga · 440 views · Story: Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes ·

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oh, it didnt spoil it at all! but its just worth noting that on the broad scale of the term 'offensive', 'a firefight that kills a bunch of people' and 'a term historically used to oppress' a group of people, one is more concerning because most people havent been in firefights.

Not complaining at all, and it didnt ruin it for me; i read it the first time, after all. It just seemed like a weird change.

as i said, it's fallout, there's more offensive stuff in the story, but i can see how that specific topic can annoy people. in the end it appears here and there on the book, not only in chapter one, sorry if it spoiled the experience though

Thank you anyway! I wish it had been removed, but what's done is done. It isnt my decision.

well, it's been a while and i honestly dont' remember, but i think it just slipped by. the editing story of pink eyes was quite the rollercoaster to begin with, i still think i owe apologies around for that... So, well, i can't say for sure. I think it just slipped if we actualyl decided to change the word around the book, but then again, there's a lot more offensive stuff in it, so... I can't be sure?

hey, i just noticed something, and im curious. in the Absolutely Everything printing of Pink Eyes, in the scene near the opening where Puppy is confronted immediately after the Carnival collapses, one line of dialogue is changed from its original text of 'maybe she's just a r*tard' to 'maybe she's just an idiot', but then, two lines later the word isn't changed at all. Is there any reason for this strange and selective censorship?

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