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  • 10 weeks
    A Brief Timeline Of My Considered Ideas For The Third Science Fiction Contest

    Klatu Barada Nikto, Earthlings.

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    0 comments · 47 views
  • 30 weeks
    Merry Christmas

    Five years of writing, that can't be right. I just started the other day.

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    2 comments · 96 views
  • 56 weeks
    Artfight 2023 yo!!

    Just as I did last year, I'm participating in Artfight. I highly encourage those artists not aware to come check it out- its a yearly event of drawing other people's OCs, and good fun around. Team Werewolf take it home baby.

    1 comments · 116 views
  • 82 weeks

    Either someone's out to get me, or a subatomic particle from space hit my computer and flipped a bit. After all, it couldn't be me.

    1 comments · 168 views
  • 83 weeks


    It's me kids, Liquid Santa Claus! The horrifying result of a fusion between human flesh and Santa Claus!

    It's been a hard year on us all, and I think we're all ready for it to be over! But Christmas isn't a time to beg for New Years! Christmas is a time we look back and reflect on everything that happened, and more importantly, be grateful for everything that DIDN'T happen!

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    2 comments · 580 views

Hullo again, it's Str8aura.

No, not that one, the other one. The one who likes ponies and carnivorous animals and stuff. I've been around for a while, maybe you know me from that thing I did or that other thing I did.

Ko-Fi, if you want to throw money at me.

Tumblr, if for some godforsaken reason you want to ask me something.

AO3, for non-pony writings.

YouTube, for gryphon nonsense.

And I don't know, you can find my art from there. I never know whether to link to the damned SFW or NSFW one. That's really all of it, I reckon. Take it easy.


A Brief Timeline Of My Considered Ideas For The Third Science Fiction Contest · 6:48pm May 12th

Klatu Barada Nikto, Earthlings.

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Report Str8aura · 47 views ·
Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

Bandy, not to be confused with Bendy. It's a good look for you, man.

Nah. Bandy made this pic for me.

shit man, another avatar change? You must be going through a hell of a year if what you told me last time is still applicable.

I'm doing quite alright. If everything else changes with the new year, I can at least be thankful for your decade old repertoire of stories I can dig into when I want to get my mitts wet. Reception to my own fics is as stagnant as ever, so I can always count the blessing of sameness among them.

It's nice you stopped by again. You're a cool dude.

How have you been?

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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