Oh hi, I'm really bad at social media BUT come check me out anyway. I promise lots of gayness, the occasional emotions/supportive post, and... more gayness. Byyyyyye!
(NSFW. Obvi.)
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My Favourites
Friends and Family Day, or What Happens When You Ignore Half of an Event Name After Twilight Sparkle reopens her School of Friendship she decides, as an act of diplomacy, to hold another Friends and Family Day to prove her school is different this time. Sadly, not everything goes according to plan with the attendees. by Meteor_Mirage 2,846 words · 245 · 12
Where Did Sandbar Send The Flowers? Gallus has noticed that Sandbar has been depressed lately. He's also been shopping for flowers and going somewhere. Gallus sets out to investigate whats going on. by LightOfTriumph 5,635 words · 72 · 7
OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP Spike accidentally coughs and sends his wanking material to Princess Celestia. by Storm butt 3,034 words · 1,642 · 50
My Stories
Blog Posts15
136 weeksNew Story? NEW STORY!5 comments · 420 views
Hi all, sorry I've been so quiet for so long. It's been a weird and difficult 2+ years, even setting aside all the pandemic troubles.
But guess what? Your patience is finally going to pay off because I have a NEW STORY coming soon, with the first chapters publishing this week just barely during Pride month.
Romance? Gay stuff? Stallions? Yeah, it's got that.
Here's your hint for what it's about:
189 weeksThawing the Freeze10 comments · 548 views
I am in remission and have 'beaten' colon cancer. It was a miserable, terrible struggle, but I am endlessly thankful to my family, dear close friends, and all you here and elsewhere on the internet who have wished me well. Your support meant more than I can ever explain. I'm trying oh so hard to get my brain back in gear to start producing fiction again. It's been a struggle, but I'm hopeful I'll be making meaningful progress again soon on new works and maybe even continuations of older fic.
231 weeksThe Big Freeze20 comments · 773 views
I was just diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer. I'm going to be less active in fandom in the coming days as I fight that fight. I promise I'm not gone completely or abandoning ship, but I've got other priorities at the moment. All of my Pony writing projects and sequels are officially on Hold, with my most heartfelt wish that I'll pick them back up once I've whooped cancer's ass.
Hope to be back here soon.
Much love.
Hope all is well
Favourite clop? Well now I'm just honored.
Thanks for the favorite really appreciate it!
Hell yeah! I always loved your fics, especially the student six and gallbar ones. Take it easy dude!!
Doing really well, actually, after all this time! Thank you for your concern. I'm doing much, much better and I'm working myself up to writing again.