• Member Since 13th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


I'm just a simple mare with a passion for writing, games, weapons, armor and making friends! Always open to questions and comments!


Apologies and Thanks · 1:43pm January 2nd

Hey all, I know it's been almost a full year since my last chapter post and I apologize sincerely for that. The usual culprits many writers/artists come up against (writer's block, a range of interests on shuffle, distractions from personal life and employment, etc...) hit me pretty hard last year and in all honesty, I just hit a brick wall as to where I wanted the story to go. Still have plenty of doubts as to where it's all going given my original plot ideas from when I started this have

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Report SynthetaCrete · 75 views ·
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A huge thank you to all who have helped me get to the 350k word mark and another for everyone who has stuck with me for this long through this project. Just hit my first major milestone in both word count and plot elements and I'm excited to see where it goes! :twilightsmile:

There's quite a few OCs in this story darling. I'm not sure how to respond. Is there some characters in particular you wanted to know about?

If the main OCs in Fallout Equestria: Lone Ranger were voiced, what would they sound like?
Try JohnDarkblaze15.

Comment posted by SynthetaCrete deleted May 1st, 2018
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