• Member Since 16th Feb, 2021
  • offline last seen October 22nd


Luna is best pony deal with it

Blog Posts

  • 152 weeks
    Stories or groups about mafia/gangs

    I have wanted to read a few stories about maybe building a gang but can't find anything can you please help:)

    3 comments · 131 views
  • 153 weeks
    grand opening of my war group!

    i am tired of scrolling thought the old war group with dead and small stories i want a good long war story with multiple battles and great technical details. not one shots with one battle and leaving you wanting a longer story or dead stories which started off good but were abandoned. so thinking other people are having the same problem i thought "why not create a group which will have the same problems but accept it and have it in a different folder so you don't have to go through it trying to

    Read More

    0 comments · 144 views
  • 162 weeks
    My problem

    The current state of my read it later is just insane. With over 200 stories either read a little bit or not at all I think I may have a problem with it. It currently rivals my favorites with 288 stories. I think I may need advice and was also wondering if anyone else had this problem.

    2 comments · 116 views



Stories or groups about mafia/gangs · 1:48am Dec 9th, 2021

I have wanted to read a few stories about maybe building a gang but can't find anything can you please help:)

Report yammering2 · 131 views ·
Comments ( 101 )
  • Viewing 97 - 101 of 101

if that's your reasonable side i hate to see your unreasonable side:unsuresweetie:

It's called being reasonable, look it up.

go's to my profile insults me and then tells me he doesn't want to argue i don't know if your joking or just stupid:rainbowlaugh:

I'm not going to argue, if you want to keep being a troll and making fun off me, be my guest. Whatever you and others do, can't be worse than my childhood.

so you enjoy people making fun of you also why go back on your claim spite maybe?

  • Viewing 97 - 101 of 101
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