• Member Since 30th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen March 3rd

Lucien Chance

heads under our beds


Is this thing on? · 12:46am Jul 9th, 2017

Hey it's me again. Sandcroft. That guy who wrote the stories about humans in Equestria except one's The Courier from Fallout: New Vegas and one's this weirdo mage from the future(?) who got a cool sword and stuff. Had to change my name here for a bit for some external reasons, I won't get into them.

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Comments ( 64 )
  • Viewing 60 - 64 of 64

Thanks for the fave!

I appreciate the Fave! :yay: Don't forget to check out the rest of the Observations Universe.:rainbowdetermined2:

Thanks for the fav on Double Vision :heart:
Next updates on sunday

Thanks for adding DJ-P4NTL3SS to your library!

Thanks for the favorite and (I assume) the like! I hope my dumb story gave you a chuckle.

  • Viewing 60 - 64 of 64
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