• Member Since 15th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen Apr 2nd, 2020


There goes my hero.


The Paradigm Shift. · 5:31am Sep 26th, 2019

This was bound to happen. I do hate for it to happen, but... such is life.
I won't be continuing Life In Boxes. I don't think I'll ever write anything MLP related again, honestly. Am I going to stop writing? Hardly, but for the moment I have 0 ongoing projects involving writing. I've simply spent too much time with Life In Boxes, and while I do think it's a very good story, it's not at all what I hoped it would be, and it's honestly become bloated.

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Report CoffeeBean · 1,937 views ·

My shit; read it.

Shit I read and really enjoyed.

Comments ( 141 )
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Hi! I am Coffee Beans Mom! I am so touched that YOU... James' friends still come to visit him here. I was so shocked and enlightened when I found this page. I built myself an account so I can be here too. I love reading all the things about my son. I knew he is/was fucking fantastic! But to see that y'all knew that too... It means the world to me. I hope all his friends are thriving and living your best lives! He would want that for all of Us. He loves life. He taught me so much! How to love, how to live and how to share myself with the world. He is a bright shinning star! And for his 26th birthday this year I will be making a star after him.

You’re never far from my thoughts.

4 years.

I’m in my last year of undergrad and I’m not even going to get to show you those funny tassel hats that they’re going to give me.

i love you and i will always, always miss you

We were really close in this site.I don't know why I'm even writing this right now. I just miss you, CB.

I miss hearing you discuss the ideas that you had.

I wish you were still here. I’m sorry that my suffering ultimately comes back to thoughts of you.

Man, you wouldn’t even recognize me anymore. I wish you’d gotten to see me at least once as I actually am, it makes me feel like I was lying ‘cause you couldn’t know that.


Trying to turn your memory into a strength, now; I still haven’t stopped thinking about your will for even a moment. I’ll try to be strong for you, and everyone else, too. We all miss you. I love you, man.

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