• Member Since 31st May, 2012
  • offline last seen June 18th


Bringing personal and commission horse words to you over a cup of steaming Earl Gray! I write in many genres, for all audiences. Check my library bookshelves for convenient sorting of my stories.

Click here for an interview with me, conducted by the Royal Canterlot Library.

Words of Wisdom

“You will do me the justice to remember, that I have always strenuously supported the right of every man to his own opinion, however different that opinion might be to my own. He who denies to another this right, makes a slave of himself to his present opinion, because he precludes himself the right of changing it.”

--Thomas Paine, "The Age of Reason" (1794)


Mail, Comments, and Catching Up · 9:59pm Feb 2nd, 2023


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Report WishyWish · 298 views ·

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Fall 2020 Update: At this point, I have no immediate plans to re-open for commission work. My apologies to those who remain interested. I do appreciate your interest (really I do), but I'm still working on my next novel manuscript, and it's a question of lifelong dream versus some fun and a few extra dollars. The latter is great, but I need to keep my eyes on the proverbial prize. When I accept a commission, it becomes my top priority (because I don't think it's fair to treat you, the patron, with any less attention once you have trusted me with your ideas and your funds). If I can't give you my full attention, it's better I not lead you on in the first place. Thank you for your support of my work - I hope there's something among my existing works that will prove entertaining!

Thanks for stopping by! Interested in my stories?
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:yay: Featured/Special Mention :yay:
(Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction, Equestria Daily, and/or other key Fandom sites.)
:scootangel: Rated Everyone :scootangel:
(Suitable for all audiences.)
:ajsmug: Rated Teen :ajsmug:
(May contain graphic content on par with primetime TV.)
:unsuresweetie: Soft Mature :unsuresweetie:
(Adult humor, or explicit stories of an exploratory or consensual nature. Should not be read by persons under age 18.)
:pinkiegasp: Hard Mature :pinkiegasp:
(Depictions of graphic violence and/or 'hard' explicit content. Should not be read by persons under age 18.)
:rainbowdetermined2: Heat :rainbowdetermined2:
(Stories with 100 or more likes.)
:twilightsmile: Author's Picks :twilightsmile:
(My personal favorites.)
:moustache: Holiday Stories :moustache:
(Happy Hearth's Warming!)
:raritywink: Commissions/Trades :raritywink:
(Stories I was compensated to write, or are a result of art for story trades.)
:coolphoto: Adaptations :coolphoto:
(Stories that have been adapted into other media, such as audio.)
:trixieshiftright: Sequels :trixieshiftright:
(Stories that have sequels.)

Want to know how I do things? That one's right here!

Want to know more about Wish, my personal OC? Find out here!

Comments ( 128 )
  • Viewing 119 - 128 of 128

Happy new year!!!!! I've probably read "Quantum Vault" 5 or 6 times by now. It really is my favorite story on Fimfic!! It's okay, I guess, if you never continue it. I can't thank you enough for writing it. If nothing else, could you PM me some ideas on how it woulda continued? I have a few ideas, but my favorite is Cutie vaulting into one of Princess Luna's Night Guards, 1,000 years ago. Long story short, if she doesn't convince Luna to become Nightmare Moon, Equestria could be doomed. DOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!!!

One more thing: Please repost, or post a new link to, the image of "the minty mare herself," as the original link is dead.

My apologies for my extremely slow response time. As I may have mentioned at some point, fanfic work hasn't been my focus since the show ended. On occasion I consider coming back to it, but some other project always ends up taking precedence. Further, the way notifications work on this site, I'm often left not knowing somebody commented on something of mine at all.

Yes there are a number of images of Wish, some published in various places, and others not for various reasons/purposes, heh heh. The one you mentioned was easily the most expensive single piece, but I'm quite pleased with the results. The pouch was coincidental--I just wanted her to have a place to carry a pencil and a notebook for sudden moments of inspiration. If images are of any interest, there's an entire comic adaptation for one of my pieces. Look up "Goodnight, Somepony" among my stories. There's a link in the description. And it's rated 'teen' if that helps to know.

At any rate, thank you for letting me know people still read me on here!

Howdy! I left them two long-ass comments on "Quantum Vault," then left a few normal-sized comments on other stories, and guess what? I stumbled across your member page, and found a place to leave a comment! I'm totally not stalking you. Or am I? (Insert evil laugh here.)
:pinkiecrazy: :derpyderp2: :ajbemused: :rainbowlaugh: (I wish there was a Nightmare Moon emoji.)

First, I've gotta say that the animated gif of your OC is a total waifu. I may or may not have spent several a few hours minutes gazing into her eyes. Simply gorgeous. I can't help but notice that she's wearing Cutie's eyeglasses pouch on her foreleg! It makes me think that you were planning on using Wish and her backstory in a future leap. If I had money, I'd happily throw some at "Rodriguez404" to bring my OCs to life, but to quote my favorite animated Wad of Meat, "I ain't got no damn money." 🤑

Secondly, I'm sorry for whining about my internet problems in QV's comments! This is a better place, I think. ;-) JKLOL. However, it's been a couple of days since my free "public" wifi has let me online. I'm bored, and still have this page loaded in my browser. I still plan on commenting on a few more of your stories. I'll eventually read some of your "ahem" stories. I have no problem with "that," but I'd rather read a comedy, or a good "Star Trek," "Dr. Who," or "Monty Python" crossover. As I write this, my kindle says that I'm 22% through "The Olden World," one of the longest "complete" stories on Fimfiction.

Finally, I understand that you've stopped writing about ponies to focus on your original fiction, but remember: All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy.

Oh, hey there, sorry! I don't often think to check my profile because I typically visit here through a mobile bookmark, where you can't see the profile comments unless you scroll down, and of course the notification that you got a profile comment immediately disappears because you're viewing your profile page :derpyderp2:

Nice to meet you too :twilightsmile:

:twilightsmile: - Hello Wishy! A close friend of mine named Phazon suggested that I should follow you! I hope that's okay!

:pinkiesmile: - ... you mean you hope it's not super-creepy, right? Because it is, despite feigning innocence.

:twilightsheepish: - Pinkie, please. Anyway, Phazon sent me an email stating that you two were friends? I always enjoy making new friends of freinds, so I'm sure this is fine!


:facehoof: - Why do you torture me so?

:pinkiesmile: - Boredom. HAPPY NEW FRIENDS, WISHYWISH!

I do have a zebradom story in my queue, if that's of any interest.

Also can they have parts of a human

Is OK for you to make a story with applejack in a harem outfit and a breeding mare for zebras

Well, certainly go for it. I'll be interested to see how it fares :twilightsmile:

Unfortunately I have no experience In making audio dramas but I feel this would be a good one to start with rather than my own ideas (which I’m not very good with writing out if you have seen my work here or on DeviantArt).

  • Viewing 119 - 128 of 128
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