• Member Since 7th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Not a brony yet here I am anyway. I'm just a Doctor Who fan trying to make something worth reading.


Why No Zebra? · 5:58pm Sep 3rd, 2015

I don't understand how everyone can make all these pony OC's but maybe one or two people actually want to make a zebra OC. It just boggles me how so few people actually bother to make one. We need something that is original for Christ's sake that isn't a pony for once. It's not just zebra either though. It's griffins, buffalo, and any other talking thing in this overhyped show. We need different species besides ponies in order to make the fan fiction on this site less repetitive, or else every

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Thanks for the watch!

Many thanks for adding TTS to your favorites! I hope you enjoy it! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for favoring The Symphony of Canterlot.

Let's boldly break this two year long silent streak. Thanks for the fav!

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Why No Zebra? · 5:58pm Sep 3rd, 2015

I don't understand how everyone can make all these pony OC's but maybe one or two people actually want to make a zebra OC. It just boggles me how so few people actually bother to make one. We need something that is original for Christ's sake that isn't a pony for once. It's not just zebra either though. It's griffins, buffalo, and any other talking thing in this overhyped show. We need different species besides ponies in order to make the fan fiction on this site less repetitive, or else every

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Report PoeticJustice33 · 381 views ·