• Member Since 9th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Monday


Me. Take it or leave it.

Come check out my book, now in paperback!

It's not pony-related, but if you have a Kindle, a couple of bucks, and some spare time, come check it out!

Donald Pelowski is a lonely nobody who is bullied often in school and desperately wants to catch the eye of his crush. Jessica Garrett, the love of his life, is harassed every day by her ex-boyfriend and his friends, and must come home to a drunken, abusive father. Despite their differing social classes, Donald and Jessica have more in common than they realize, and form a bond. They face hardships together and grow stronger, but can they find love? Only if they take a deeper look through one another's eyes.


Now available for Kindle devices at Amazon.com!

My non-pony-related writing

Proud member of "The Clan of Hawk"


Looking for donations to help me get my career together.

The link is down below. Donate if you can. Thanks!

A word about me

I've been an uncloseted Brony since about July 2014. I'm also an amateur novelist who has an interest in messing around with other people's stuff.

And by that, I mean writing fanfics.

I've already done fanfics based on Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Rosario + Vampire, and I'm still working on a massive anime crossover, and I thought I'd try my hand at writing an MLP fanfic. I posted in a group on Facebook, and a few people liked it and said I should bring it here.

It didn't work out as well as I'd hoped. :'(

But I've written quite a few other stories since then, and they have all done much better. So much so that I've gotten numerous ideas for other stories that I'm just itchin' to try out!

As for the non-Pony side of me, I am basically a huge kid. I love video games, anime, and losing myself in great stories (whether they were written by me or not). I'm a huge Pokemon fan, I ritualistically follow the progress of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and I am obsessed with the music of Michael Jackson. Shamone!

And now, the more serious stuff. I'm 28 years old, and I found my knack for writing when I was a freshman/sophomore in high school. I wrote a short horror story as a class project that won over anyone who read it, and when I rediscovered the story as a senior, I cleaned it up, dusted it off, added to it, and it became my first published book, "Camp Aconyte". Now, I'm looking for an agent/publisher for my next novel, but the search isn't going too well . . .

Neither is my search for a girlfriend. Bummer. Anyway, depressing things aside . . .

I wasn't sure what to make of the whole "Brony" craze when I'd first heard about it. I admit, I was greatly confused at the number of grown men who enjoyed the show. So I decided to watch the pilot and see for myself. Before I knew it, I was halfway through the first season, and the more I watched, the more confused I got. But I also loved it more and more. At first, I was in denial, trying to swear off the stuff like an addict. A few episodes in, I just shrugged and said "Why not? Nobody has to know. Besides, it's not that interesting anyway" (oh, how I lied to myself!!). Finally, the episode "Dragonshy" won me over entirely, and I've been a full-fledged Brony ever since.

And in case I don't make it obvious later on: Fluttershy is my waifu. <3 <3 <3

I also do a little editing/proofreading on the side. Need a little work done on your story? No problem! I got an eye for these kinds of things.

Well, that's pretty much it about me. Thanks for going through this little pamphlet of my life. And thanks for reading! :D


Just some thoughts · 2:12am Sep 11th, 2023

Yeah. Been awhile, I know.

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  • Viewing 958 - 962 of 962

You shit on Rainbow Dash and Starlight constantly and get mad when people call out your bullshit you’ll get no sympathy from me.

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Jun 25th, 2021
Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Mar 7th, 2021
Comment posted by Black Hoof deleted Sep 11th, 2020
Comment posted by Black Hoof deleted May 5th, 2020
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