When your life is as dull a gray as the world that surrounds you, the mundanities can make it all seem meaningless. Sometimes all we need is a little color -- or six -- to reintroduce us to what truly makes life worth living.
*6-16-2017 Edit, added Rainbow Dash tag because it triggered knighty.*
This fic made me cry. Hard.

oh god not this again, and i just got over being sad about it

quite well written, if i do say so myself
My eyes fell out due to excessive lubrication and water pressure.
A beautiful story like this is meant to be shared.
Thank You. -Fin
I'm crying, and it's gone far beyond manly tears.


beautiful story, i knew by the first linebreak that i'd probably be in tears by the bottom of the page, i was not dissappointed. a masterpiece imho
I need to go watch some good comedy to get the sad out of my system.
Read on EQ, Honestly made me tear up hard man, I can't even look at the picture without watering up a lil. DAMN YOU AND YOUR ADORABLY SAD PONY STORIES!!
Pierced through my icy heart like a drill that pierces the heavens.
One of the first MLP Sadfics I ever read and it is currently the best after reading many more after it.
Tears came to my eyes as I read this story. It shows the truth of this world, because no matter how good something is, all good things must come to an end.
I sincerely thank you for this story, and hope for more stories in the future
Did this story finally get posted here? Well, now I have a way to favorite it I guess!
A condensed review I gave this earlier:
So proud of this Author (and the editor) and this fandom.
Tears of Pure Happiness.
Love & Tolerate. All my stars.
The only pony fic I've seen so far that kind of ... acknowledges a world outside of MLP, and explores what the show actually means to us in terms of affecting us as real people. Bravo, bravo. I'll vouch for this as best ever. Well done.

Did you write MLD or do you have permission from the author to post it here?
I am the author, hence the same name. Someone told me about this site, so I went ahead and made a profile so no one would impersonate me (like who would wanna anyway
) and since it's all about FiM fan fiction, I figured it wouldn't hurt to throw it up here (more sites it's on the better, no?).
I am reeeeealy afraid to read this.
the feel may be too strong.
Why do I like stories that make me sad? Why?
In any case, this is pretty much the only humans and ponies story that I like. Doesn't deal with the meeting of two species, just the feelings of a father and his daughter. Brilliant writing and a truly moving ending make this a wonderful story. Thank you for writing this.
This is the most heart-wrenching story I have ever read...

I didn't read it here, but read it on Google Docs a few weeks ago...
After I did finish it, the next few hours were filled with me remembering the story, crying more...
I'm...trying to hold onto the tears just writing this comment...
All I must say is that you are a jerk for killing me on the inside, but at the same time, a wonderful person for writing this amazing story.
This will always be one of my favorites. Instant 5
I consider myself to be a brony of simplicity, one that doesn't believe in typing with caplocks to get a point across. Sadly, I'm afraid this story has left me with no choice.

there is no way of knowing that this never happened.
that's creepy.
Thanks everyone so far for commenting, and I figured most of you had already read this story but I I realized that DA doesn't really allow comments unless you have an account, and I don't care for how Gdocs comment system works so I figured I'd throw it up here for the rest of you who couldn't comment on those. Seeing as this is a strong MLP site, I figured more of you would have an account. If you have any questions or simply wanna tell me your thoughts, I'll respond to you when I can. Again, thanks for reading, and sorry if I made you all cry again
Sweet merry Christmas

Finally made it over to this fanfic site. One of my favorites, just thinking about brings a manly tear to my eye.
First written story to make me cry. BUT they were manly tears.
All my stars are belong to this.
*sigh* I love this story. Sad, but awesome.
I remember reading this like weeks ago, one of the best stories I've read
this is the only fic that made me cry. And I've read past sins too
That, if the scout is the story, and I am the heavy.
As I said before on your DA profile, an incredible, moving and utterly beautiful story
I don't normally comment on things, however I made an exception this time.
Seriously, I cried. Quite the amazing story, glad I read it.
My Little Dashie is the only fan fiction that made me cry.
This fic is life changing! I congratulate who ever made this! 
Also ironic that I just read (well, listened to) this fic yesterday by Azekahh, and even he cried!
Nothing else needs be said.
Well-written. A different kind of relationship than we see in most fanfiction. Well done.
Con-confound these *sniff* ponies!*hic* They*sniffle* they d-drive me... *sniff* drive me to such... such...*sniff* manly tears!
It takes a lot to make me cry these days... and I've often wished I could cry more. This amazing story made me want to cry and sob rivers of tears, however, I only managed two. I like to think I managed to give one for the both of them.
Great. Just great.
Originally saw this on dA via a link from ED a while back. As I said then, this is easily one of THE BEST fanfics out there on the entire internet. It's truly a work of art. If I can convince someone to read only one fanfic in their entire lives, it would probably have to be this one.
I've read this story the first time on Google Doc. I listened to Azekahh's reading of it. and I teared for the first part. Then it got heavy.

but i LOVE this Story
I knew most of the basic plot points which would happen before I even started to read this. The idea is not new... but the execution of it was really really good. I mean, I am in tears and wordless, so it did what it was meant to do. (And that even though I have heard this exact plot structure so often that I know it by heart)
Great work my good pony.(To keep gender out of it)
Now if only it did not make me tear up so much.. but I guess it would not have the same impact.
I find it hard to get emotional over books but after this i was lying on my bed going through memories of my childhood while listening to the saddest fucking music i could think of and crying my eyes out
that is what this has driven me to

This made me cry so hard!

5.0 from 92 ratings
Well deserved
i have yet to read this so i suppose im about to plunge into a pool of tears... oh well, here goes!
Not reading this again, not sure if I could if I tried, just too much
That said, it is one of, if not my most favorite MLP fanfiction I have ever read. Kudos to you, sir.