Unfinished story bit · 8:50pm Jun 12th, 2019
Hey guys. I found a story I started towards the end of my writing. Figures someone here might be interested in reading what little I had. Here 😁Link to chrome
Hey guys. I found a story I started towards the end of my writing. Figures someone here might be interested in reading what little I had. Here 😁Link to chrome
"last seen Oct 27th, 2020"
Hey mate, are you OK?
I'm just popping in here to say that, when I read your My Little Dashie sequel, I was very moved. So moved that I regard it as my favorite piece of writing, and I've read quite a bit. Roll over all the long, "professional" novels; your fanfiction
wasIS beyond words!It's sad to see you so inactive. I hope that you might one day return to writing.
And... just between you and me... I prefer your sequel over the original.
i just want to say i love your my little dashie sequel because of it it fixed my broken heart when i list to my little dashie
thank you
goddamn it would suck to lose my comp. I hope you have a good one if you read this
Contact: Apple Harvest?