• Member Since 19th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Take care and remember, everyone has a place to return to

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Comments ( 98 )
  • Viewing 94 - 98 of 98

Thank you for the favourite :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave :twilightsmile:

Gummy Tries to Get Warm has made it to your "Normal and Smart Comedies" bookshelf huh. Gummy is pleased. . . for now.

Thanx for the fave...

EThe Siege
Twilight just wanted to get back in her castle. Was that too much to ask?
-TheStoryteller- · 1.7k words  ·  33  0 · 1k views

Thank you for adding my Comedy to your Smart Folder!

  • Viewing 94 - 98 of 98
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