• Member Since 7th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen May 11th

Cardinal Dan Productions

I love to write, I love to read, and I love this community! If there's a story I want to read that doesn't exist yet, I'll write it myself.


Updates on ‘Mal’ · 10:18pm Mar 1st, 2021

Howdy, readers of Patriot Pony productions. After a short talk with ‘loveslove’, the artist behind the picture used as the cover art for ‘Mal’, I’ve decided to put the story on hold until I can find a replacement. I the meantime, I will continue writing and working on other concepts that I hope you will enjoy. :twilightblush:

Report Cardinal Dan Productions · 612 views · Story: Mal ·

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Updates on ‘Mal’ · 10:18pm Mar 1st, 2021

Howdy, readers of Patriot Pony productions. After a short talk with ‘loveslove’, the artist behind the picture used as the cover art for ‘Mal’, I’ve decided to put the story on hold until I can find a replacement. I the meantime, I will continue writing and working on other concepts that I hope you will enjoy. :twilightblush:

Report Cardinal Dan Productions · 612 views · Story: Mal ·
Comments ( 62 )
  • Viewing 58 - 62 of 62

Love your work. Here's hoping for a Gabby Spike story

Would you be willing to do an human Spike and Candance shower fic?

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Sep 21st, 2022

Would you take a request?

I guess if I were to point out what's right to put up, I'm leaning more towards E rated stories that aren't too dramatic or sad. Think I see one or two in your list that could fit in

  • Viewing 58 - 62 of 62
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