• Member Since 10th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

twilight hunter


let's see · 6:03pm Oct 31st, 2015

Report twilight hunter · 441 views ·

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Comments ( 91 )
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Thanks for the follow.

Thanks for the watch.

Thanks for the Watch!

Thanks for watching

Did I anger you? I am sorry if I did.

you did not anger me. i can not message unless i log out and back in. so i was pushing off messaging you. but not many people can anger me on here.

*blush* Um... I keep track of my followers. For some reason, your name disappeared from my followers list when I posted that. It's totally cool if you decide you don't want to follow me, but I wanted to make sure I hadn't done something to make you mad. I see you name back on the list, so... thank you for following me... again. :twilightblush:

...responding to your earlyer question i would really like to be friends :).

YAY! I'm Max! How do you prefer I address you?

I try to send out daily messages to my friends, to let them know that there is always someone there for them. (I don't always make it daily, but I try.) If you decide you don't want me to do this with you, please let me know, and I will stop (with no love lost at all).

ps. do you know why i followed cus i forgot if you had a story or what

I'm not sure for certain. I have never posted a story before, but I am working on one. You started following me soon after my friend Pan asked people to give me support in this super embarrassing blog post. I have no idea if that's why you started watching me or not. I have found that I do not like writing nearly as much as I like reading, so it's extremely slow going.

  • Viewing 87 - 91 of 91
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