• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 16th, 2022


Q(^_^Q). The friendliest misanthrope you'll ever meet.

Kaidan's Seal of Approval: Favorite Stories of All Time, listed in random order.


Profile last updated: Sep 2021

I've discovered a renewed sense of enjoyment from writing, and am back to finish up some incomplete old stories and write some new gen 5 ones.

If you're new, this blog describes a few good places to start exploring my stories. This blog summarizes my hiatus and future plans.

The rest of my user profile is pretty much vintage 2013, unless I find time to update it.

*Banner courtesy of Sollace

*drawn by Drawponies

I speak my mind, and I'm a misanthrope. Twilight's Dollhouse is my favorite story, while Dash of Humanity is the most popular.

Fan art/pmv's/readings of my fiction. Also, my own pmv's
About Me / Bio.
List of Favorite Stories, Author's, and Editors.
Stories I've Helped Edit on Fim Fiction
List of favorite Music, and PMV's.
Best/Worst Pony type questions

Some old stories and art also available at DeviantArt

Stories & Comissions:

Updated Oct 2021

Currently incomplete stories being updated:

  • Twilight's Dollhouse 2
  • Ponified Without Consent 2

Upcoming New Stories:

  • Dash of Humanity 3 re-write
  • Halloween Gen 5 Special
  • Comedy/Adventure featuring Hitch, Discord

Wish List:

  • Puppet to her Fame sequel
  • Muffin a Day Keeps the Human Away (maybe)

Commissions: Anything, $10/1,000 words.
Current queue:
Closed, re-evaluate in October.

My Latest Stories

Comments ( 481 )
  • Viewing 477 - 481 of 481

Kaiden was one of the better writers, and one who stuck it out and finished the vast majority of his works. The world needs more writers like him.

I'm tad bit late, but happy eleventh anniversary.

Happy birthday ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‰

Is the next part coming out soon?

Comment posted by BenPictures1 deleted Nov 2nd, 2022
  • Viewing 477 - 481 of 481
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