• Member Since 7th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Poor by Overflow


Other Projects by Me for FIMFiction.net

Comments ( 61 )
  • Viewing 57 - 61 of 61

Aw...that makes me sad. It also makes me react like this!:

I posted no content to this website since 2016, which is incidentally also when I stopped watching MLP. But I'm happy to know that story made someone smile even so many years down the line!

Are you going to continue Burning Orchestral Domination anytime soon? Please do, as it looks to be adorable.

*boops your nose*

  • Viewing 57 - 61 of 61
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And No Tear Will Be Shed · 11:05pm Dec 31st, 2020

First time in my life "celebrating" new year's eve in solitude. Edgy music from my early teens is playing, my back hurts, the whisky's bottle cap has gone missing and it doesn't look like I'll have to go search for it.

Or, to summarize it as a single image:

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Report Selbi · 255 views · #2020 #2021