• Member Since 8th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 2nd, 2015

Flying Fantasy Horse

I can be both a positive sunflower and a cynical f**k. It depends which life I am living. (Formerly known as Riffmaster)

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A little about myself

Hello there, weary traveler. It seems you have traversed through several different web pages and stumbled upon my own! As you can already tell, I am a psychopath who loves to speak in unnecessary formalities.

I write a wide variety of stories, many of which are one-shots. The rest are cancelled multi-chapter fics and trash. You're going to have to dig for the good stuff. A lot.

I am also a fan of heavy metal and classic rock music, but I do also have a taste of electronic music if it appeals to me. :duck:

So browse my many stories. Thanks for taking a look and remember to brush your teeth once a day and stay out of school and do drugs.

Talee-ho! Or whatever the hell you spell it...

"It's a magical world, Hobbes, ol' buddy...

let's go exploring!"

Yeah, sure, whatever...

The recipient for the cutest thing in existence award.

Or not.


BEST PONY: Twilight Sparkle
BEST PRINCESS: Princess Celestia
BEST VILLIAN: Trixie Lulamoon (She almost enslaved an entire town, people. Without resistance)
MOST EPIC EPISODE: Twilight's Kingdom, Part 2


Goodbye · 3:12am Jul 2nd, 2015

I asked Meeester to close my account (a.k.a perma-ban me). It'll take effect whenever he decides to pull the plug. It's over.

So goodbye. It was a fun ride while it lasted. Thanks for the memories. I'll keep them with me for a while.


Report Flying Fantasy Horse · 806 views ·
Comments ( 136 )
  • Viewing 132 - 136 of 136

Is your avatar a stylized Dr. John Zoidberg?


Comment posted by Zuabug deleted Jul 21st, 2016

kinda wanted to see more stuff from ya dude

should come back one day

Why was he banned, and for how long?

  • Viewing 132 - 136 of 136
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