Its been a long time... · 12:45pm Nov 4th, 2016
As the title says, its been a long time since I've logged on, let alone write a story. The loss of motivation could be a suitable excuse for why I never finished all but one fiction. I'm not sure if I should, mostly due to the fact I've been putting all my creative energy into something that isn't fan fiction. Seeing how it's been almost 3 years (probably 2 and a half), I may scrap all unfinished stories or reboot/rewrite them. I can't force myself to write though, otherwise I'll just put out a
1095948 You're page. It drove me absolutely insane.
Thank you for the watch! What drove you to such madness?
1032507 I'm always glad to help out
Thanks for the favorite on my story Our Pasts That Haunt Us!
Means a lot to me that ya took the time to read it and even enjoyed it
Also thanks for the watch!
1006406 I really did enjoy reading it.