• Member Since 5th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen December 2nd

Roarin Thunder

I'm Roarin Thunder and pouring rain.


I've tried and tried. Not sure what I'll be doing around here, but maybe a chapter will appear once in a blue moon.

Roaring Thunder

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Been a while · 11:16pm Mar 23rd, 2023

I'm not back to return to Fimfiction though. I am instead letting everyone who might be interested in reading something I have been writing for the last bit know that I am in fact writing. It's only the first chapter and it's also on Fanfiction.net. This is a Redux Version of Raze's Journey in a different light within the Dragon Ball universe. I am bringing various characters together that I've seen in other people's stories to make up the cast alongside new characters that I've made up for

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Comments ( 607 )
  • Viewing 603 - 607 of 607

don't mention it :twilightsmile:

Just a dumb quote I repurposed for my name. Thanks for the follow.

"I'm rain thunder and pouring rain" kracko?

2538466 Okay, I understand that

Just got bored of my old one.

  • Viewing 603 - 607 of 607
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