• Member Since 18th May, 2013
  • offline last seen January 29th

Pump It Up

Dead, but also undead. It's complicated.


"But I'm not like you. I'm a NOBODY."
"Even a nobody can become a hero."
~Just an inspirational thing I came up with myself. :)

"You don't have to be special to be capable of amazing things." ~The Mare Who Fell to Earth

"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will." - George Bernard Shaw

God is the universal substance in existing things. He comprises all things. He is the fountain of all being. In Him exists everything that is. ~Giordano Bruno

Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel in order to be tough. ~Franklin Roosevelt

"Mardi Gras!" ~thethreevirtues

Can I haz internets?

I think I lost the password, though...

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RIP free photobucket accounts · 8:11pm January 7th

Well that was... unexpected. I got an email from them a while ago but forgot that I actually had stuff on there, so now I can't go back in without paying them $5 to reactivate. I might consider doing so for one month so I can retrieve the photos (bc some of them I no longer have) and reupload them elsewhere (probably Tumblr private post) so I can relink them. I can't decide if it's lame of them or if too many people were just doing free accounts so they couldn't make any money. Idk. I'm not a

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Comments ( 473 )
  • Viewing 469 - 473 of 473

Ohhh, I was wondering why 22km! Happy early birthday!! 🎂:yay:

Anytime, awesome possum!

Thankies! I'll be 23 KM on Tuesday! ^^

Aww thanks! :heart: Cool username, btw!

  • Viewing 469 - 473 of 473
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