Love For Everypony 168 members · 5,005 stories
Adaigo Dazzle 8
Ahuizotl 8
Allura 0
Alphabittle Blossomforth 8
Angel Bunny 8
Apple Bloom 90
Applejack 137
Applejack's Parents (Alternatives to canon parents) 4
Argyle Starshine 6
Aria Blaze 10
Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty 17
Autumn Blaze 2
Babs Seed 9
Barley and Pickle Barrel 2
Berry Punch 8
Big Bucks 0
Big Macintosh 51
Bon-Bon 11
Bow Hot Hoof 9
Braeburn 18
Bright Mac 7
Bulk Biceps (Snowflake/Roid Rage) 5
Button Mash 19
Button's Mom 7
Capper 5
Captian Celaeno 1
Caramel 3
Carrot Top 2
Cattail 1
Chancellor Neighsay 16
Cheerilee 26
Cheese Sandwich 26
Cherry Jubilee 3
Chief Thunderhooves 2
Clear Sky 2
Cloudchaser 7
CMC 89
Coco Pommel 9
Colgate (Minuette) 28
Comet 4
Coral Currents 4
Corriander Cumin 1
Countess Coloratura (Rara) 3
Cozy Glow 17
Crackle 1
Cranky Doodle Donkey 2
Crystal Ponies 2
Daring Do 24
Daybreaker 2
Diamond Dogs 3
Diamond Tiara 81
Dinky Doo 9
Discord 72
Ditzy Doo (Derpy Hooves) 25
Dizzy Twister 27
Double Diamond 7
Dr. Whooves (Time Turner) 11
Dragon Lord Torch 1
Equestria Girls 27
Fancypants 16
Fashion Plate 0
Fausticorn 3
Feather Bangs 0
Featherweight 2
Filthy Rich 17
Fire Light 8
Flash Magnus 4
Flash Sentry 16
Fleetfoot 8
Fleur 10
Flim and Flam 14
Flitter 4
Fluttershy 165
Fluttershy's Parents 5
Gabby 12
Gallus 33
Garble 6
General Seaspray 4
Gilda 15
Grand Pear 4
Grandma Figgy 2
Granny Smith 24
Grogar 4
Grubber 5
Gummy 4
HiE 7
Hitch Trailblazer 20
Hoity Toity 4
Hondo "Magnum" Flanks and Cookie "Pearl" Crumbles 7
Hoo'Far 1
Human Twilight 4
IDW Comics ( 2 sub folders ) 7
Igneous (Clyde) Rock and Cloudy (Sue) Quartz 10
Indigo Zap 0
Iron Will 2
Izzy Moonbow 20
Jackpot 3
Jazz Hooves 1
Juniper Montage 1
Kerfuffle 1
King Sombra 48
King Thorax 20
Lemon Hearts 3
Lemon Zest 1
Lightning Dust 17
Lil' Cheese 11
Little Strongheart 9
Lord Tirek 10
Luster Dawn 4
Lyra Heartstrings 18
Mage Meadowbrook 5
Main Six 101
Mane Allgood 7
Mane Five (G5) 14
Mare Do Well 4
Matilda 2
Maud Pie 26
Mayor Mare (The Mayor) 9
Mistmane 2
Misty Brightdawn 9
Misty Fly 2
Moody Root 0
Moondancer 14
Moonlight Raven 0
Mr. and Mrs. Hoofington 0
Mr. Cake 23
Mr. Stripes 0
Mrs. Cake 37
Ms. Harshwhinny 4
Ms. Peachbottom 1
Mud Briaer 8
Neon Lights 0
Night Glider 6
Night Light 14
Night Light and Twilight Velvet 10
Nightmare Moon 19
Nurse Redheart 5
Nyx 4
OC 125
Ocean Flow 4
Ocellus 21
Octavia 19
Opalescence (Opal) 4
Opaline Arcana a.k.a Queen Opaline 2
Owlowiscious 5
Party Favor 6
Pear Butter a.k.a Buttercup 6
Peewee 1
Petunia Petals 0
Pharynx 17
Philomena 0
Photo Finish 6
Phyilis Cloverleaf 6
Pie Sisters ( 2 sub folders ) 36
Pinkie Pie 217
Pipp a.k.a Princess Pipp Petals 14
Pipsqueak 10
Plaid Stripes 0
Pokey Pierce 1
Pound and Pumpkin Cake 23
Prince Blueblood 18
Prince Shining Armor 95
Princess Celestia 163
Princess Ember 16
Princess Flurry Heart 29
Princess Luna 140
Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadance) 88
Princess Skystar 6
Principal Cinch 0
Queen Chrysalis 32
Queen Haven 4
Queen Novo 6
Quibble Pants 5
Rainbow Dash 194
Raindrops 0
Randolph 1
Rarity 166
Rockhoof 4
Rocky Riff 1
Rolling Thunder 2
Ruby Jubilee 0
Ruby Pinch 2
Rule 63 0
Rumble 19
Saffron Masala 1
Sandbar 23
Sans Smirk 1
Sapphire Shores 2
Sassy Saddles 10
Scootaloo 153
Sea Breeze 1
Shimmy Shake and Lighthoof 0
Short Fuse 2
Silver Shill 1
Silver Spoon 26
Silverstream 32
Sky Beak 6
Sky Stinger 1
Smolder 30
Snails 4
Snap Shutter 7
Snips 4
Soarin 37
Somnambula 5
Sonata Dusk 10
Sour Sweet 1
Spa Twins 2
Sparkler 2
Sparky Sparkeroni 3
Spike 173
Spitfire 40
Spoiled 'Milk' Rich 22
Sprout Cloverleaf 12
Star Tracker 2
Starlight Glimmer 90
Starswirl the Bearded 8
Stellar Flare 3
Storm King 5
Stormy Flare 4
Stygian 6
Sugar Belle 11
Sugarcoat 1
Sunburst 21
Sunny Flare 1
Sunny Skies 0
Sunny Starscout 30
Sunset Shimmer 55
Sunshine Smiles 0
Suri Polomare 5
Svengallop 1
Sweetie Belle 117
Tank 2
Tempest Shadow a.k.a Fizzlepop Berrytwist 26
Tender Taps 2
Terramar 10
The Apple Family 2
The Breezies 0
The Flower Trio (Violet, Lilly, Daisy) 0
The Great and Powerful Trixie 60
The Mane-iac 4
The Pippsqueaks 0
The Power Ponies 5
The Smooze 1
Thorax 15
Thunder Flap and Zoom Zephyrwing 1
Thunderlane 11
Torque Wrench 0
Tree Hugger 2
Trenderhoof 0
Troubleshoes 1
Truffle Shuffle 1
Twilight Sparkle 312
Twilight Velvet 24
Twinkleshine 3
Twist 6
Twisty Pop 0
Twitch 0
Vapor Trail 1
Vinyl Scratch (DJPON3) 17
Violet Frost 0
Whoa Nelly 0
Wind Rider 3
Wind Sprint 3
Windy Whistles 10
Winona 6
Wonderbolts 21
Yona 22
Zecora 20
Zephyr Breeze 7
Zesty Gourmand 1
Zipp Storm a.k.a Zephyrina Storm 10

This group is dedicated to show love to every character in the MLP universe. No matter how mean or obnoxious.

Feel free to post threads as much as you want. Now with new folders, and a new admin!

Comments ( 3 )
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I know I will finish it later.

I can't help but notice we're lacking tags for characters like Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Lyra, Bon-Bon, Fleetfoot, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch (DJ-PON-3), Twist, Snips, Snails, Featherweight, Raindrops, Time Turner (Doctor Whooves), Mayor Mare, Filthy Rich, Garble, Colgate, Berry Punch, Dinky, Ruby Pinch, Cloudchaser, Snowflake (Roid Rage), Rumble, and Thunderlane.

  • Viewing 1 - 3 of 3