• Member Since 27th Jun, 2023
  • offline last seen 10 minutes ago


I'm not the DJ or the guy from EastEnders. I am the brony, skater and the fanfic character one. I accept commissions

What brings you here

Cheerilee appreciation module

Music I listen while I'm writing

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Blog Posts

  • Tuesday
    End Of Break

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  • 1 week
    My PS2 Icons Collection

    This is my collection of PS2 games, a very varied collection. There are RPGs, racing, adventure, and survival horror. I am a very varied player. I think the genre I like the least is puzzles, but I always like to try new things, like Sakura Taisen 3 and Doko Demo Issho: Toro to Nagare Boshi.

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  • 3 weeks
    Doing backflips underwater and real life Lollipop Hearts

    I'm sorry if I haven't responded to messages from TheGuyWhoDayDreams and the other guy I don't remember the name of. I'm sorry. I'm at a resort having fun and relaxing after a time of great stress, depression, and emotional problems.

    I will be starting to write the new Azuka chapter when I return home this afternoon. I didn't expect many people to support this grotesque and potentially controversial story. I'm glad you all appreciate Ero-Guro's art.

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  • 7 weeks
    Working on my first non-MLP story

    I've decided to expand a little more and explore more ideas outside of MLP fanfiction—I mean, create a universe of my own making.

    This doesn't mean I'm going to stop writing MLP fanfics; of course I'm going to continue. I'm working on a story called "Countdown Zero," and it's about two lesbian Emos college drug addicts who get involved in a problem due to a drug deal that went wrong, heavily inspired by Trainspotting.

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  • 10 weeks
    Reasons why I don't feel comfortable working with editors or proofreaders

    I don't like to say this, but I'm dealing with something that affects me every day, I've had these symptoms for years, but in current times, it's getting worse and worse.

    When I'm writing a story, I write about 10 or 15 paragraphs, then I go do something else, a game of Dark Cloud and then another game of Super Smash Bros Melee, then a BMX practice session.

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End Of Break · 1:11am Last Tuesday

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Report AndyHunter · 19 views ·
Comments ( 84 )
  • Viewing 80 - 84 of 84

Thanks for adding Horizon: DangerVerse to your favourites

Thanks for the fave on The Conference Call! :pinkiehappy:

Hey! Thank you for the Favourite on Fallout Equestria: Ouroboros :twilightsmile: If you'd like something lighter why not try The Infinite Office Of Destiny :pinkiesmile:

Thanks for favoriting Late Night Woes, it truly means a lot to me. :)

Thanks for adding my story to your favourites. :raritywink: I hope you continue to enjoy my work.

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