• Member Since 6th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


We must dare, and dare again, and go on daring.

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 p̢̡̳̻̗͍̦̯̋̒͂͂͗͗̊̕͢ͅl̸̡̨̡̨͉̥̱̖̟̖̀̃̌͘̚͞͞e͓̺̩̙̣͆́͋̍̉̅͒͘͞a̼̰͔̯̠̰͔̼͗̆̃̾̀̉͜͝s̴̱̤̩̪̱̲͔̈́͒̿̍̋̑͡͡e̥͈͎̖̲͉̦͙͍͑͐͌̓̆̾͘͝ͅ h̨̻̤̜̭͈̦̟͆͐̑̐͗e̷̹̠͔̳̼̬̊͛̋͊͗͋̓͟͞l̻̮̼̙̦̟̪̜͍̈́̈̋́̃̓͡͠͝p̵̧̖̝̣̠͙͎͔̓̉͂̎̐̐̏̀͜ 



helloings! · 5:22am May 28th, 2022

i will be posting every day for a bit i feel very important right now and good on life! I just got into art school again! They didn't let me in the first time! But know they did!

Report Windlife · 337 views · Story: IT'S MOBIN TIME ·
Comments ( 275 )
  • Viewing 271 - 275 of 275

This is some advanced stuff. You are at least 3 levels of post-meta-irony ahead of everyone on this site. I am legitimately impressed.

And of course you mustn't acknowledge this to maintain appearances. But know this, truly, I have seen very few people able to maintain such a feat for so long. You have earned my respect and may you continue in your work for many years to come. ❤️


Comment posted by PearlyDoesStuff deleted Mar 7th, 2023

So they ARE a troll???

  • Viewing 271 - 275 of 275
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Stories The Admins Ripped From My Cold, Dead Hands

Not allowed to link unpublished stories because the mods just delete this post and the story itself, making me very sad.

So I'll just list them out and if you want to see them to *edit* them, just msg me! ;)

The German Savior 13/140
Leave A Message *Beep* ?/over 100 (Gone)
Cards Against a Band (Denied)
Family Matters (Denied)