• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2022
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Greetings! I am someone who exists on this website. I have been here for at least a year. I probably should catch up with my writing. I also have a discord server.

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Blog Posts

  • 38 weeks
    Dropped an A-level

    Previously, I was taking 4 A-levels. I did not have an abundance of free time, and it was a little bit stressful.
    I was taking: (Maths, Computer Science, Physics, Design and Technology)
    I've now dropped physics.
    That has opened up 10 hours on my college timetable.
    Maybe I might be able to use some of that time to do more work on my stories.
    New chapter of AiC still isn't near ready. It was at about 300 words at last count, and I haven't worked on it a while.

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    1 comments · 264 views
  • 59 weeks
    AiC Progress

    Alicorn in Canterlot is a story on fimfiction. Somehow, it's gotten somewhat popular. Progress on the story has been slow, due to a lack of motivation and inspiration.

    However, the story is somewhat popular, so I probably should update it; it's already been over a month. Every chapter so far just feels like its taken longer than the last. And the next chapter might not be out for a bit so far, since I haven't started.

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    2 comments · 377 views
  • 97 weeks
    My ideas about magic (when it is forced onto characters, or excluded from them)

    I am greatly interested in stories involving magic, such as those in Equestria.

    There are two main story categories most of my ideas are based of.

    • A character who rejects magic, but has it thrust upon them anyway

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    2 comments · 201 views
  • 98 weeks
    Future story ideas (and also maybe looking for Beta-reader?)

    Greetings to anyone who decides to read this. I now have 3 stories published on fimfiction, 2 of which are active (although clouds hasn't been updated in a while.) But anyway, I have a lot of story ideas that I really want to try writing. However, I do not want to just create a new one and end up not updating my existing stories. Therefore, my idea is to write one in the background. That means that it will be written, but won't be published straight away. My already active stories will continue

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    5 comments · 246 views
  • 102 weeks
    New Avatar Image

    I uploaded a new avatar picture from a drawing I completed recently. This is of one of my OC characters; Terra Leaf. Terra does not represent me, he has only become my avatar to replace the default icon, I do not have a 'ponysona' as of now.

    0 comments · 153 views

This is a box or something.

I like to create characters with abilities which they can't really use.

The difference between a pegacorn and an alicorn? I like to think that there is a difference. An alicorn is a combination of all three races. But what happens when a pony is a combination of only two? You might get an earth-pegasus, or an earth-unicorn. Both of these are visually, quite similar to a pegasus or unicorn, except maybe a bit more physically strong. But then the 3rd combination would result in a pegacorn. Pegacorns are a combination of a pegasus and a unicorn.

Visually, they could be mistaken for an alicorn, but there are key differences. For starters, alicorns have different wing structures to pegasi. A pegacorn could be distinguished from an alicorn by their wing structure: a pegacorn would have regular pegasi wings. They'd also generally have an average horn size, alicorn horns will grow to become longer than average. On top of that, a pegacorn would age normally and have average magic/flight abilities. Although they may end up below average in either as they'd have the magic of one average pony divided between the magics two species.

For anyone who actually read this... I created a discord server. Don't ask me why, I just did. And I'm hiding the link all the way down here, where nobody will find it (maybe). Feel free to join though.



Dropped an A-level · 11:06pm Oct 28th, 2023

Previously, I was taking 4 A-levels. I did not have an abundance of free time, and it was a little bit stressful.
I was taking: (Maths, Computer Science, Physics, Design and Technology)
I've now dropped physics.
That has opened up 10 hours on my college timetable.
Maybe I might be able to use some of that time to do more work on my stories.
New chapter of AiC still isn't near ready. It was at about 300 words at last count, and I haven't worked on it a while.

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Report ramdom_player201 · 264 views · Story: Alicorn in Canterlot ·
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