• Member Since 17th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen June 27th


I am the most adorable dragon slayer in existance.


Reason why updates have been slow lately · 1:01pm Dec 8th, 2019

Hello, I just want to address something some of you are wondering. Why I haven't updated my stories that much lately.

The two main reasons why I haven't is 1: I have been focusing more on doing art commission lately to pay off some bills, and 2: because my allergies have been kicking back in lately, draining me mentally and emotionally state.

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Report Navanastra · 1,833 views · Story: Rise of the Crystal Emperor ·

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Comments ( 107 )
  • Viewing 103 - 107 of 107

Do you plan on continuing this story (Rise of the Crystal Emperor) I been reading it and I find it so interesting and injoy reading it, so when you have time can you tell me I don't want to get my hopes up



Well, all I can say here is that your username checks out. No need to be rude like that.

LMAO and just like most deviant artists it looks like exactly the same shit as 10,000 other artists work. HAHAHA. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. PATHETIC.

"Here lies Navanastra.
He made great stories, that will not continue.
We wish him to return to the scene, we hope that he may come back.
It's sad to see these stories be so well made and not be at all finished.
Praying, Hoping.
We have little to say, but more to know.
May he find his way, back to us."

  • Viewing 103 - 107 of 107
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