Twilight, Rainbow and Applejack are sent to a strange world, and are thrust into a lethal game between two gods. Very crossover heavy, featuring Toothless, Harry Dresden, Luke Skywalker, Roland Deschain, Spyro and Cynder.
Hello please don't stop writhing fanfiction your story peace and isolation is one of my favourite story's of all time and it would be terreble if it woulded finish so please don't stop writhing
I've lost interest at the moment. Fanfiction hasn't been appealing to me lately, and I'm not sure if I should continue, upload what little I have, or simply give all my stories up to whoever wants 'em and let them finish.
Halo: On the Wings of AngelsHalo Crossover. Twilight Sparkle is teleported to a world about to be glassed by The Gyvon
34,391 words
· 3,069 · 82
Past SinsCan Nightmare Moon, reborn without her hate, ever escape her past?by Pen Stroke
201,810 words
· 12,642 · 381
The Ballad of Echo the Diamond DogA human finds himself in Equestria... He decides to forsake Ponyville and see the world Rust
129,595 words
· 4,113 · 126
Rainbooms and RoyaltyAlternate Universe: Filly Rainbow Dash has just performed her Sonic Rainboom when she gets a visitorby Trinary
105,445 words
· 2,155 · 62
Top Favourites- part 3
A Delicate BalanceTwilight struggles with the fact that her feelings for one of her friends may have turned JapaneseTeeth
289,001 words
· 1,889 · 63
Death Battle: EquestriaDeath Battle with ponies. Characters are researched, then pitted against each other in fights to the death, with pacifistic tendencies removed. Who would win in an Equestrian Death Battle?by RLYoshi
98,000 words
· 484 · 54
Halo: On the Wings of AngelsHalo Crossover. Twilight Sparkle is teleported to a world about to be glassed by The Gyvon
34,391 words
· 3,069 · 82
Know your MareIt's silly, it's pointless, and it makes little to no sense... I've heard of worse story overlord-flinx
85,263 words
· 3,157 · 249
Mass Effect 2 - DLC: The Equestrian EquationIn this exclusive DLC, what begins as a simple search-and-rescue mission unveils a mystery millions of years in the making. Your choices are Commander Shepard's choices, and all of Equestria is at Loyal2Luna
130,318 words
· 1,892 · 44
If you will not finish it, can I have permission to finish "peace and isolation"?
This man is dead
Hello please don't stop writhing fanfiction your story peace and isolation is one of my favourite story's of all time and it would be terreble if it woulded finish so please don't stop writhing
I've lost interest at the moment. Fanfiction hasn't been appealing to me lately, and I'm not sure if I should continue, upload what little I have, or simply give all my stories up to whoever wants 'em and let them finish.
Doing my monthly check up on you.
How you doing?