• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen May 3rd


"How hard can rocket science be anyway?"


Quick update · 2:53am Aug 6th, 2015

I noticed that when re-writing some old chapters, it doesnt tell you that they have been republished, so to tell you guys that the chapter has been reworked, there will be = signs at either side of the chapter name. This is just a quick way to say that that chapters been refurbished. Ones that dont have it from now on are old chapters due for a revamp!

Report Jazzaman · 580 views · Story: Ut Ametur Iris · #I #wonder #if #dash #would #like #Dire #Straights #?.
Comments ( 81 )
  • Viewing 77 - 81 of 81

So I'm curious why was drive abandoned?
I enjoyed it a lot because it felt like I could relate that's why I'm asking

I counter with Puff of Logic.

rule of funny for the first. Rule of cool for the second

Two things. One: Rocket Science is... Rather difficult. Two. Wouldn't the tank in the gif be rather useless?

thanks, its really nice to hear someone say that. I absolutely love Excuses easily my favorite recent RDxAnon Fic, and quite possibily my all time favorite. Now i can see why. Its heartwarming actually to think that you based your dash off of mine.

I love your writing and I love how believable you make rainbow and anon, I know excuses is finished but that hasnt stopped me from re-reading it several times now.

I dont write much anymore aside from one or two anonymous green on the dash threads, but who knows I might take up the pen once again.

especially if excuses gets a sequel.

If you ever decide to write some more RD feel free to give me a bell, ill be happy to help

  • Viewing 77 - 81 of 81
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