I Just Want a Comment 3,712 members · 15,906 stories

Originally founded by KartalTheWriter.

Image credits: SnoopyStallion, Seltonik

This group is made for people who just want feedback on their work.

And not those silly likes or dislikes. I'm talking about solid comments with words in them that tell the author exactly how you felt about their story. Come on, now...

First, though, why don't you introduce yourself?

And as always, don't forget about the rules!

Write On!

If you feel like you need feedback, but not necessarily an editor, feel free to check out our Discord server! Click or tap the feather to join!

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Comments ( 493 )
  • Viewing 474 - 493 of 493

Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Thank you for reading friends!

feel free to make a new forum post!

New member here. Would love some feedback on my story

ideally, yeah, put it in the NSFW folder.

New writer here! I was just wondering if i could get some feedback on The Elohim's Lament to see if I'm going in the right direction. It only has four chapters and I'm kind of conflicted on these chapters.

Here's the link for it

If a story has [some] clop and is mature rated, is it essential to put it in the NSFW folder or is it ok to put it in the main?

Hello, I would like some feedback on my story Shifted Crusaders. I have not received feedback on it for a while and just published a new chapter.

Hi I'm discord Jedi knight... I wish I knew this group existed when I first joined 😄. I like feed back it helps to improve my writing, wether is negative or positive I want some true criticism on my work. The real thing I really want is criticism on my story telling...

I know I have spelling issues and I am always working on improving but I am looking for any thing on my work.

Especially my latest fan fic. My big project blood of a chimera. Here's a link and I will add it to the stories section as well.


EFull Friendship's Magic #1 (The Filly From Mitaly)
There are many mysteries behind the world of Friendship is Magic, all lost in history. Until one pony unlocks it.
Reykatan · 29k words  ·  51  6 · 1.3k views

Hello, it's been a while since I've been active in this site. Long story short I made a blog post about my resume and revamping my only story here from years ago. I'm haft way done on republish it again but first, I needed to gather audience again. Since Facebook pages is no longer post reach free it's been difficult until now.

I don't usually like to do this but I've spent a bit of hours working on this video teaser on youtube before my republish as I made another blog post. Its not much and it should, better keep it vague.

Anyway, this here it is hope you like it.

Hey guys, I'm new to this site and to writing stories in general. I would love some feedback on my first work, to know if I'm going in the right direction.
The story is called A friendship magic conundrum.

Hey there!

The Ghost of Coltistrano is a fun, cape and cowl adventure diving into themes of heroism in a conflict spanning three entries, including Restless Peace and Phantom Eulogy. If you've been looking for something to scratch your pulp hero itch, this is the place.

Stop by and enjoy!

TThe Ghost of Coltistrano
There are stories children are told of a figure in black, emerging from the darkness to strike at those who threaten the goodness of the world. This creature is the Ghost, but for young Silver Spade, it's his last hope for vengeance beyond the grave.
EthanClark · 90k words  ·  42  2 · 2.4k views

Hi, I'm pretty new to Fimfiction and I've already got two stories: A Family Split and A Nightmare Night to remember. Feel free to check them out and comment, I would appreciate it

When it comes to choosing the treatment, it’s important to consider your skin type. If you have sensitive skin, look for a gentle peel such as an alpha hydroxyl acid or beta hydroxyl acid peel. On the other hand, if you’re looking for something more robust and effective with minimal irritation, try a trichloroacetic acid or Jessner Peel. If you want to target particular wrinkles or pigment lesions, then there are peels available such as pyruvic and salicylic acids, which can help improve these areas — just make sure to get professional guidance first! Remember that everyone’s skin is different so make sure to do some research and consult with your dermatologist before starting any kind of peel treatment. https://aestheticsbydrg.com/

Hi everypony! I just kinda writing my first fanfic - a fusion of every concept that I thought would be cool/fun to write and read about. What if there's a war in Equestria? And the enemy is Flurry Heart? And she teamed up with Pony of Shadows? And Twilight teamed up with Cozy Glow to stop them? And there are endless things in the story that can be brought in at any point? Endless background side-story-stuff? References to fan-theories, comics and other stuff that no one remember? And every aspect of the story is interacts with every other, creating a story that can have only 2 fates - to become a god gamn bomb, or become an unreadeble junk? Well, that's what "And you can really surprise" is ;p


Comment posted by starcoder deleted Sep 7th, 2022

i am here to once again remind you that nobody ever looks in the group comments so go start a thread instead.

Hello everyone! I've been in this fandom since the good ol' days of 2010 on YouTube. I didn't find out about this website until much later, but I wish I found it earlier from all the wonderful stories I've come across! But, to get to the point, I'd really love it if someone would comment, more on this story. Someone tell me details, someone tell me my faults and such. Also, tell me your opinion. Thanks you!


Idk how to link my story with like the image in stuff kinda like a writer before me has already >~< so I put the link. Another reason I'm saying this is because of the recent thing of "is this another similar website that asks for my personal information?"

But if you don't trust it you can look on my account for my most recent one. The others are, beginner material...

Hi everyone!

I'm new to the group, less new to the site. I've posted stories since November 2021 with some minor success. I would really love more constructive comments, though, to help me polish my writing. I'm looking forward to any service I can provide in return.

  • Viewing 474 - 493 of 493