• Member Since 7th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen Yesterday


"Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender." G'Kar - Babylon 5

Commissions are open!

Want me to write something just for you? I am opening up commissions! Just send me a DM with what you'd like in terms of characters, genre and length of story and we can work out the details. I'm starting my rates at $15 US per 1,000 words ($0.015/word) with a 1,000 word minimum, but for especially emotionally-heavy stories or stories involving extensive research I may ask a higher rate on a case-by-case basis. Don't worry, we'll sort out everything before we get started.

I'm very open about topics and genres, and I'm willing to stretch into areas I haven't written before. That said, there are a couple of topics which I will not write. They are:

  • Foalcon
  • Sex/Fetish involving urine or excrement
  • Abuse of minors

I reserve the right to add to that list at any time. Again, we'll work everything out before any words hit the page.

Furthermore, I offer a service for anyone who just wants something original to read but doesn't want to decide on what to order, or who just wants a surprise! For only $10 I'll write you a short fic of my choosing. It will be anywhere from 200-500 words, will have at least 2 characters, and will present a complete scene (similar to my Friendship Shorts anthology.) The upside is that I can write such a scene very quickly, so you'll have your fic much sooner than a longer commission, and you might find an unexpected pairing you never thought you'd like. Take a chance!

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Blog Posts

  • 51 weeks
    Stay a while, and listen...

    I have a new story up set in G5 that revolves around a fable. Why do the sun and moon move on their own? And why do ponies celebrate eclipses? Sunny is going to find out.

    This is my entry into the Bean's Writing Group "New Blood" contest, so I hope it will do well there. Moreover, I hope you all enjoy it.

    0 comments · 106 views
  • 64 weeks
    New territory for me

    Well, that was an experience. Mostly a good one with some challenge thrown in, so I'll rate it a net positive. :raritywink:

    What was it?

    I published my first romance/shipping story.

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    0 comments · 104 views
  • 69 weeks
    An embarrassment of riches

    The good news: I'm days away from getting back to a better writing setup. For the last nine months I've only had my phone to work with, which slowed me down considerably. Saturday I get back to my PC and something closer to my old typing speed. This will let me finish my current stories faster and get into some projects I've had in mind.

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    1 comments · 105 views
  • 70 weeks
    Getting closer

    Another chapter of You've Been Summoned! is now live. In it, Cobalt has some harsh realizations and sets out to fix what he broke.

    Oh, and Twilight gets her mail. :twilightsheepish:


    0 comments · 110 views
  • 78 weeks
    This is getting to be a habit

    Chapter four is up! If I keep going at this rate, we might actually reach a conclusion at some point.

    I appreciate all of your patience as I get through the story of Cobalt and Dusty Rose. I think you'll like where it's going.


    0 comments · 168 views

Stay a while, and listen... · 12:17am Aug 1st, 2023

I have a new story up set in G5 that revolves around a fable. Why do the sun and moon move on their own? And why do ponies celebrate eclipses? Sunny is going to find out.

This is my entry into the Bean's Writing Group "New Blood" contest, so I hope it will do well there. Moreover, I hope you all enjoy it.

Report WaywardSon · 106 views · Story: Sisters' Moon ·
Comments ( 6 )
  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6

Thanks for the fav!

Thanks for the follow!

I feel honored to have written the first Mature story that you added to your favorites :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6
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