• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2020
  • offline last seen July 14th


This is MASTERMIND360, new FIM author here. A brony who always enjoys making Equestria Girls stories that took place after season 2 ended. Stay coolio and stay tuned...

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  • 58 weeks
    Additional EqGs AU

    Heya everyone. I know some of my recent fics aren't that good, ya know? But (apart from my other fic where I tried to participate the one thousand word challenge) both fics Shine Bright Like a Diamond and A Real Homie, are part of this EqG AU I came up with, thanks to the inspiration of the AU part from The GJ90.

    And this is for the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls. And this is how I wanna do it.

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    0 comments · 183 views
  • 127 weeks
    My First Clop Fic

    [Adult story embed hidden]

    This is my first ever clop! Took place sometime during my new story Equestria Girls: Football Adventures.

    But that doesn't mean any hints about their love will be refenced anywhere in the football series.

    0 comments · 212 views
  • 130 weeks
    Childish Sunset Shimmer

    EMane Mothers
    For getting kidnapped many times by the Dazzlings, Sunset was being treated like a kid by her own friends because of their paranoia through their mom act, to protect her. But this leads to madness.
    MASTERMIND360 · 34k words  ·  51  4 · 2.8k views

    For getting kidnapped so many times by the Dazzlings, Sunset got herself into being treated like a child by her own friends over their motherly act through their paranoia to protect her.

    Nothing can go wrong, right?

    0 comments · 267 views

Additional EqGs AU · 8:19am Jun 16th, 2023

Heya everyone. I know some of my recent fics aren't that good, ya know? But (apart from my other fic where I tried to participate the one thousand word challenge) both fics Shine Bright Like a Diamond and A Real Homie, are part of this EqG AU I came up with, thanks to the inspiration of the AU part from The GJ90.

And this is for the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls. And this is how I wanna do it.

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Comments ( 50 )
  • Viewing 46 - 50 of 50

Thanks, and yeah, you can do that. I'll be appreciated.

I appreciate the invite to your group, Additional EqG AU, but I will not unfortunately not be joining it. If you want, I can spread the word.

Best of luck, though!

Thank you for checking out my story, Mayor, and adding it to your bookshelves!

No problem. I'm always up for more of those two.

  • Viewing 46 - 50 of 50
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