• Member Since 10th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago


An Asian-American brony who is a fan of Spike, Discord, and Jackie Chan.


A Spyro and MLP Crossover · 7:39am July 18th

Besides The Fightin' Dragon, another story that I need to finish sometime soon is my Spyro and MLP crossover, The Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragon.

TThe Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragons
Spyro, together with Spike and the ponies, joined forces to rebuild a team of heroes and fight evil.
Phantom-Dragon · 56k words  ·  84  5 · 4.1k views


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Comments ( 406 )
  • Viewing 402 - 406 of 406

Cool good luck with that and what kind of Looney Tunes crossover is it?

I’m working on it.

Been watching the classic Looney Tunes and the modern episodes to really study their humors.

Where’s the next chapter of the Looney Tunes crossover?

Hey, Phantom! Meet me in the latest DM I sent you. Maybe you can help me in some way.

  • Viewing 402 - 406 of 406
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