• Member Since 30th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 9th, 2023


The Royal Canterlot Family Series

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My First Ever Book! · 4:34am Jul 24th, 2019

Hey everyone I just want to spread the news that I have digitally published my first book on Amazon.com! It's called The Prince in Disguise: The Mysterious Doll. It's the first story of a fairytale series I created. And yes, I used my real name below the title so if you are going to check out my book, all I ask is that you refrain from using my name on this site, please and thank you. So yeah, I'm very excited to see how things will turn out and I hope you will read my story and I

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Report CartoonNerd12 · 843 views ·
Comments ( 70 )
  • Viewing 66 - 70 of 70

awesome I really like your story a long time ago when I Search for zootopia fanfiction on the other site and I discovered your story

Hey I've seen you before are you the same person who did the zootopia Academy Daze?

  • Viewing 66 - 70 of 70
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