• Member Since 19th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Learn to love the writing, of telling a story that you want told, and not the recognition that comes with it. When skill and passion atrophy, write for yourself, and in time, you'll inspire others.


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Upcoming Q&A · 9:35pm Feb 23rd, 2019

As it is, there'll be an upcoming Q&A session with a wide variety of Fimfiction authors, and surprise, I'll be one of them! All details are in the link itself, and I do believe that is where you can post your questions.

As for the Q&A itself, it'll be from 8-9AM EST.

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Upcoming Q&A · 9:35pm Feb 23rd, 2019

As it is, there'll be an upcoming Q&A session with a wide variety of Fimfiction authors, and surprise, I'll be one of them! All details are in the link itself, and I do believe that is where you can post your questions.

As for the Q&A itself, it'll be from 8-9AM EST.

Latest Stories I've Either Published or Updated (I Think)

Comments ( 258 )
  • Viewing 249 - 258 of 258

How's everything going? Hope it's all going well, can't wait to see you back on the site.

Still doing OK? Been a bit since any updates, wanted to make sure you're doing well.

And I looked, and behold a pale horse, and his name that sad astride him was death, representing a great author who has left us without a conclusion or a finish, and woe for we begged for more and heard nothing but the echoes of our cries

And here lies Abramus5250 one of the greatest fanfic authors out there, maybe one day he will return

Come on man it's almost a year since you were online please tell us that you are ok

Please. Don't be gone. My favorite stories come from you. Haven't been active since January. Shit...

gonna check-in. have you abandoned us?

How you holding up? Ya haven't done anything in a while, thought I'd check in.

Glad to know you're still alive on this site. I've really enjoyed A Dragon's Journey thus far, and I was afraid you abandoned the story.

Good to see your living. Hopefully that plate gets cleared soon. Best wishes.

  • Viewing 249 - 258 of 258
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