Did I Mention I have a YT Channel? · 3:45am Apr 28th, 2014
So one of the main reasons as to why I've stopped being so active on Fim Fiction was because I have created a Youtube Channel.
Afro Pony Presents, a spot for hijinks and what not that I spew from my brain. If even half of the people who follow me, no, half of the people who read this blog post subscribe to me, I'd appericiate it a lot.
Feet is watching you.
Thanks so much for the watch!

Oh my, I'm very sorry I have not given you appropriate recognition for your awesome art. I'm adding it now.
Hey, there! I noticed your fic Storm Clouds Gathering is using a picture I drew. Which is fine; I'm flattered and you're free to continue using it, but if you could link back to the original drawing in the story description and credit me please, that'd be a big help.
I'm: flight-of-the-moon.deviantart.com
Thanks, friend!
Hey! You earned yourself a follower!