• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Aurora Star

Aurora Star is an humble unicorn from Canterlot, who recently moved to Ponyville. He’s well educated and doesn't stop to broaden his horizon. He also has a sweet tooth.


Facts about me:
• I'm German.
• I residence in Germany.
• I’m male.
• I’m open-minded.
• I have no shame.
• I’m xenophile.
• You need to do a lot of provoking to offend me. (Yes, I’m a bastard, no really, I am)
• I read a lot.
• I write occasionally. (But not here, yet.)
• I love sweets.
• I like to eat well. (And sometimes too much, also sweets.)
• I can be silly sometimes, and weird.
• I'm not a Nazi. (I dislike them, and racists with a passion, actually.)


The picture for the Avatar was a commission, and made by xWhiteDreamsx.

Favorite quote

Cynicism is my Armor, Sarcasm my Sword and Irony my Shield. Danger my Family, Thrill my best Friend and Fear my Guardian.


Patreon (a list whom I support) · 4:18am Mar 9th, 2016

No, I don’t think about becoming a creator. It’s about whom I’m currently supporting, and you might finding your interest in it. More after the page break (which I hope works).

Note: Now there I’m done, this became a massive post, sorry. :twilightsheepish:
Note 2: Better open at Home PC. Mobile not recommend.
Note 3: I wanted to post this the early January, but look where that plan went. =D

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Report Aurora Star · 1,210 views · #patreon #support

Attention to those who follow me and comment

Well, at the point of reaching 25 followers, even if I don’t write here, yet, I should thank them, even if I don’t deserve it. Not right now, at least. I don’t want you to think I’m ungrateful.

So, thank you very much for the follow.

I’m sure you have your reasons to follow me. It just feels weird to me to get a follow when I do nothing for it. Not that I complain.

Also, those who comment thanking me for adding their stories to my 'Read it later' List or for favorite them, you're very welcome. When I favorite them, I enjoyed your story.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day.

Groups I'm talking my part in


Since I’m ToyHouse Premium user, and I can give out invite codes.
If you want one, just sent me a PM and ask.

If you don't know what ToyHouse is, please read the ToyHouse Info+FAQ by YuriStorm on Deviant Art.


Comments ( 316 )
  • Viewing 297 - 316 of 316

Thank you for taking interest in Luna's little Rose. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the favorite as well as the follow! :heart:

Well, I hope you'll enjoy Dream Vacation, when you get around to reading it. :pinkiesmile:

thanks for the watch, and which of my fics do you like so far?

Cheers for the add.

Thanks for adding Written Letters to your favorites! :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding Twilight and Moondancer's Time Alone to your favorites! :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the follow and adding Twilight and MoonDancers Time Alone, Written Letters, Emerson's Story - An Interaction Story, and Estrus Relentless to your libraries!

Thanks for the fave!

Thanks for adding Estrus Relentless to your libraries!! :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav & follow! It means a lot! ♥

Thanks for the fave.

Thanks for the follow.

Thank you for adding Gleaming Fangs and Melodious Belles to your read it later:twilightsmile:.

Thankie for the read-it on Not Too Fast, Mr. Griff. I hope you enjoy. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave and the watch. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the follow and favorites! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for the favorite on Glistening Fangs and Melodious Belles:twilightsmile:.

Thank you.

  • Viewing 297 - 316 of 316
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